TP53 codon 249T hotspot mutation PCR Quantification Kit
- Standardized assay with reproducible results
- Ready to use system with simple workflow
- Specific and sensitive up to 10 copies of mutated DNA
- For research use only
The TP53 codon 249T PCR Kit is a two-step, real-time PCR assay for the quantification of the TP53 codon 249T hotspot mutation. The kit provides reagents optimized for rapid and sensitive detection using HotStarTaq Polymerase (Qiagen) and the LightCycler® 480 instrument (Roche).
Product Details
The p53 codon 249T PCR kit is intended to quantify the TP53 codon 249T hotspot mutation. The kit utilizes a two-step approach (HotStarTaq and LightCycler® 480 Genotyping Master) for quantification of PCR products on Roche’s LightCycler® 480 platform. Reagents in the kit include first and second step primers, wild-type blocker, mutant- specific probe, and plasmids containing mutant and wild-type sequences as the positive and negative controls sufficient for 25 reactions.
The kit does not contain LightCycler® 480 Genotyping Master.
Product Name (Cat #) | Description | Unit Price |
TP53 Codon 249T Hotspot Mutation PCR Quantification Kit (qPCR-001) | One kit for 50 reactions | $1,050 |

Figure 1: Typical amplification curve generated by Roche’s LightCycler® 480. Assay shows sensitivity to 10cp and linearity from 104cp to 10cp of TP53 codon 249T hotspot mutation.